Mary Byrne
Into The Outwoods Sculpture Trail
Next free drop-in Workshops 27th May – Get creative this Spring at the Into The Outwoods Sculpture Trail ! Quick Visitor Survey If you have visited the Sculpture Trail and/or taken part in our drop-in workshops please complete this quick survey for us. It will help us feedback to our sponsors, help with funding for future…
Nita Rao on Radio Leicester
ArtSpace artist Nita Rao appeared on Radio Leicester on 24th April 2019 talking about ArtSpace and the Sculpture Trail in the Outwoods. It’s brilliant apart from the fact that the presenter says the Sculpture Trail ends on the 9th July when it ends on the 9th June.
Charnwood’s Biggest Ever Woodland Arts Event
Into The Outwoods Sculpture Trail 27th April – 9th June ArtSpace have won national funding to stage the biggest woodland art event to happen in Charnwood for decades, perhaps ever! Mountsorrel artist Nita Rao, main creator behind the event, has undertaken an 8 week ‘artist residency’ in the spectacular woodland setting to wet the public…
4 ArtSpace Artists in Leics Open
Four members of Loughborough ArtSpace, Jo Shepard, Beryl Miles, Alison Folland and Susan West, have been successful in getting into the 2019 Leicester Open exhibition in the New Walk Museum in Lecester.
Sculpture Trail for Spring 2019 gets Official Support
Following the success of the ‘Into The Outwoods Sculpture Week’ event last spring, the Loughborough Outwoods Management Committee have given their approval to plans for a bigger and better event in spring 2019. The event will include free creative art workshops for the public as well as a six week long ‘Sculpture Trail’ through the…
Online Inside/Outside Exhibition now Live
If you missed it the exhibition opening speech is available here. To give you a taster of what the real exhibition in the Sock Gallery, Town Hall, Loughborough is like you can see the online exhibition here.
Inside/Outside at the Sock Gallery until 23rd February
View the online exhibition here. Photographs of the INSIDE/OUTSIDE preview event
Rosebery Art & Craft Fair
27TH JANUARY & 28RD OCTOBER 2018 VENUE: Rosebery Community Centre, Storer Road, LE11 5EQ Some members of ArtSpace are taking part. Rosebery Art and Craft Fair Over 25 Leicestershire based artists and makers will be taking part in a new event this October. The Rosebery Community Centre on Storer Road in Loughborough will be hosting an…
VENUE: Sock Gallery, Loughborough Town Hall. Open 9am – 5pm Mon – Sat. A group exhibition by ArtSpace. 21 members of ArtSpace Loughborough present an exhibition on the theme of ‘Inside/Outside’. In varied media, they explore how the inner and outer worlds of our lives connect. Sometimes this is literally the contrast between interiors and…
Images from Workshops
Following are images from the numerous workshops that took place as part of Into The Outwoods Sculpture Week in April 2018. Some were ‘skill share’ workshops, led by artists for artists, others were ‘drop-in’ workshops aimed at the public. Felt Skill Share Workshop. Willow Skill Share Workshop. Ceramics Skill Share. Drawing with…