Artspace is a group of local practising artists in the Charnwood Borough of Leicestershire, England
Artists discussion sessions
during the 'IDENTITY' exhibition - The Generator Gallery - Loughborough UK - June/July 2003
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Artspace asked the following people to
act as advisers to Artspace and its members:

[Author Andrew Wilton] [Curator Jane Bevan]
[Consultant Pete Mosley] [Last day at the exhibition]
For further details of the exhibition choose page
 [1: General view]   [2: Preview evening]   [3 - Individual exhibits]   [4: Art Workshops]

Andrew Wilton
(Author and former keeper of the British collection,
TATE Britain, London)

Jane Bevan
Exhibition Co-ordinator ( job share ) for Q Arts in Derby
and freelance exhibitions consultant

Pete Mosley
Freelance consultant for arts organisations and artists.

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Andrew Wilton
(Author and former keeper of the British Collection,
TATE Britain, London)

Click on a picture to see a larger version.

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Quote from Andrew Wilton, 28th June 2003

"What I would like to see is more organisations like yours forging fruitful relationships with the local community and encouraging the public to regard the Fine Arts as part of their life."

Books by Andrew Wilton-

Turner and the Sublime by Andrew J. Wilton, British Museum

Five Centuries of British Painting: From Holbein to Hodgkin

Turner in the British Museum :drawings and watercolours:
catalogue of an exhibition (1975)
at the Department of Prints and Drawings of the British Museum.

Constables English Landscape Scenery

J.M.W. Turner: France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland

J M W Turner His Art & Life

Painting and poetry :Turners Verse book and his work of 1804-1812

Painting & Poetry, Turners Verse Book and His Work 1804-1812

Turner en voyage (relie sous jaquette)

American Sublime: Landscape Painting in the United States, 1820-1880
by Andrew Wilton, Tim Barringer

Turner: The Great Watercolours by Eric Shanes, Royal Academy of Arts, J. M. Turner, Ian Warrell, Andrew Wilton

The Age of Rosetti, Burne-Jones and Watts
by Andrew Wilton, With Robert Upstone, With Barbara Bryant

Five Centuries of British Painting: FRom Holbein to Hodgkin

The Great Age of British Watercolours, 1750-1880
by Andrew Wilton, Anne Lyles

American Sublime: Landscape Painting in the United States 1820-1880
by Andrew Wilton, Tim Barringer, Stephen Deuchar

British Watercolours Seventeen Fifty to Eighteen Fifty by Andrew Wilton

Grand Tour: The Lure of Italy in the Eighteenth Century
by Andrew Wilton (Editor), Ilaria Bignamini (Editor)

The Great Age of British Watercolours
Selected by Andrew Wilton, Anne Lyles

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Jane Bevan
Exhibition Co-ordinator ( job share ) for Q Arts in Derby and freelance exhibitions consultant.

curator Jane Bevan

curator Jane Bevan

curator Jane Bevan

curator Jane Bevan

curator Jane Bevan

Jane Bevan, a free lance curator who works at Q-Gallery in Derby as well as teaching on the Connect course for graduate artists and crafts people has mentored ArtSpace during the preparation period and hanging of the exhibition.

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Pete Mosley -

e-mail During the 'IDENTITY exhibition. Sub-committee working with Pete Mosley. Help with a Business Plan. Pete Mosley does several Question and Answer seminars(developmental meetings) throughout the exhibition at the gallery for the whole group. He is a freelance consultant to arts organisations. Among other things he helped set up the East Midlands Arts mentoring programme He is well placed to help us discuss our future as an arts group.

Artspace Sub-committee 
working with Pete Mosley. Help with  a Business Plan
idmosley01.jpg -

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Artist discussion in the gallery.
Artspace members discuss the events during the exhibition on the last day - Saturday 12th July 2003

Artist discussion in the gallery.
Artspace members discuss the  events during the 
exhibition on the last day  
Saturday 12th July 2003






Exhibiting Artists:
  • Sarah Spencer
  • Paul Gent
  • Sue Clews
  • Kim Mason
  • Christopher English
  • Michael Beal
  • Jeremy Lewis Cope
  • Mary Byrne
  • Jemma Rix
  • Jenny Clarke
  • Jennifer Eden
  • Nita Rao
  • Nick Bartrum
  • Judith Eason
  • Erica Middleton
  • Jackie Vickerstaff
  • Matthew Vickerstaff
  • Purnima Chavda
  • Kevin Ryan
  • Helen Ward
  • Christine Nelson
  • Sally Chisholm
  • Gillian Perkins

For further details of the exhibition choose page
 [1: General view]   [2: Preview evening]   [3 - Individual exhibits]   [4: Art Workshops]

We have produced a free set of post cards
to accompany the exhibition.

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