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Crescent Moon Sculpture by Nita Rao

The images of the crescent moon cradling the sun are often painted on front doors in Tibet. For Tibetans this symbolises the oneness of life, the cessation of duality, thus reminding those entering that even the sun and the moon which seem so far apart are inextricably linked. I have used this imagery with similar yet different symbolism in my own work. This year I did not want to be involved in the struggle between opposites, rather for there to be an understanding that the opposites exists, and that the tension between them should create balance and calm rather than anguish.


Shown at the 'On the threshold' exhibition, June/July 2000.
'The Loughborough University Generator Gallery'
Packe Street, Loughborough.
Leicestershire. England

e-mail Nita Rao

© Nita Rao


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